which of the following situations is most likely to constitute an instance of plagiarism?

situations 1625635641
shackles, captivity, wheat @ Pixabay

Imagine you’re in an English Literature class, and your professor assigns the entire class to memorize a poem. You work diligently for hours to memorize it, but there’s just one problem: you can’t remember which poem it was. You go through every poem you know looking for the right one, but come up empty-handed every time. You walk into your final exam, and all the poems were given out on pieces of paper to be memorized on the spot. The composition is yours from start to finish save for two lines–the ones that are identical with lines from another poet’s work.

Is this plagiarism? Not exactly, but the professors would certainly have a problem with it. These days, you have to be extremely careful about writing your work on the internet and forgetting to attribute work from others. This piece of advice is probably enough for most people, but one college student took things a step further by using an entire website full of works unrelated to his own (and even incomplete at that) as the basis for his thesis and his dissertation.

The student has since been kicked out of school and charged with plagiarism (and attempted copyright infringement). He took all the credit for other people’s work (hundreds more were written by other students). In essence, he simply took the credit where it was not due.Plagiarism is a serious charge–it’s not just about stealing someone’s ideas (most of us are guilty of this), but actually taking credit for someone else’s work, or even pretending to have done your own work. It can ruin your life and destroy careers. For the student above, it was likely a cry for help. The reason for his rather extreme behavior is still not known, but one can only hope that it helps him get some help in time.

Plagiarism is a serious charge, but it’s also a fairly wide-spread problem. We’ve compiled some great tips to prevent you from ever falling victim to this crime of intellectual property theft. To use these strategies, make sure you visit [THIS URL]. [This URL will be open for editing](date) at 11:59 PM (your time).

By using copy-paste method of posting your CV without making any changes in all places that you want to apply gives a bad impression on potential employer who reads your resume or CV . It says that you do not have the time or will to tailor your CV according to the specific job description of each company where you are going to apply for an interview. That means that they will not spend their time reading it either and chances of getting considered for the job are very low.

By using templates from resume writing companies without making any changes, you send the same CV or resume to all places where you apply for a job. That way it is clear that you do not have the time to tailor your CV or resume for each job posting, and potential employers will also see that. This is the quickest way of getting eliminated before even getting considered for an interview with a potential employer.

By running a search on Google or by looking at other resumes on line, copying parts of them and pasting them in your own resume/CV you are saving some time and effort, but it is also quick way of eliminating yourself from list of candidates who are considered for further consideration. You will look like any one of these people on resume/CV, and if you do not have relevant experience to support your job application, you are going to be passed over for a job.

It is advisable to obtain and review the [TEMPLATE OF THE DAY](http://www.cvtemplatesfree.org/) from our site to get an idea about different kinds of templates available online. In most cases, templates are good starting point for writing your own CV or resume paper however in many cases all interviewers will ask for something different from it, which requires adjustments and rewrites .