6 Ways To Whiten Your Teeth Naturally


As you age, your teeth tend to become yellow. However, several methods can slow down the process and can even prevent it. Although it is a fact that there is a lot of teeth whitening that you can buy in pharmacies, there are natural remedies that you can use to protect your enamel and remove the stains. 

Make Some Changes on Your Diet

Avoid eating foods that can blemish your teeth to prevent further staining. Stay away from foods and drinks that contain tannins, for instance, tea and wine. You also need to avoid juices, dark sodas, and coffee since these can likewise stain your teeth. In addition, eating acidic foods can wear down the enamel on your teeth, making them look yellow. 

If you are cautious about the colour of your teeth, then you should avoid too much consumption of soda, coffee, and citrus. Alternatively, be sure to brush your teeth always after having them. Generally, dentists recommend that you should wait for 30 minutes after eating before you brush your teeth. Keep in mind that acids can likely weaken the enamel of your teeth; hence, brushing right after eating can cause some damage. 

To minimise the risk of nicotine stains, you should quit smoking. It can also help prevent gum disease, tooth decay, damage to your enamel, and other oral health problems.

Use Baking Soda in Brushing Your Teeth

Brushing with baking soda can help in eliminating the stains on the surface of your teeth. Perhaps, you might think that baking soda can damage the enamel on your teeth since it is too harsh. However, based on research, it is a safe way of removing stains.

Baking soda can also help fight bacteria; hence, it might prevent tooth decay and minimise plaque.

Practice Oil Pulling

Oil pulling refers to washing your mouth with oil to eliminate bacteria, dirt, and debris. However, this should not be considered as a substitute for flossing or regular brushing. Based on some research, washing your mouth with oil can also help in teeth whitening. If you want to try this method, all you have to do is rinse your mouth with oil for at least one minute, then spit it out. 

Do this after brushing your teeth. The oil types used for oil pulling are sunflower oil, coconut oil, and sesame oil.

Use Fruit to Whiten Your Teeth

Eating pineapple and papaya can also help whiten your teeth since both contain papain and bromelain enzymes. According to a 2012 study, these ingredients could provide moderate whitening effects. Nevertheless, the authors of this study warn that more research is needed to figure out whether or not these enzymes are efficient.

Use Hydrogen Peroxide

You can use a mixture of hydrogen peroxide and baking when brushing your teeth to obtain optimum results. You can do this twice a day a week, but you should not do it more often.

Hydrogen peroxide might make your teeth more sensitive; hence, it is not ideal for long-term use for those who already have sensitive teeth.

Maintain Good Oral Hygiene

One of the most important things to do to minimise tooth yellowing is to maintain good oral hygiene. Regular flossing and brushing can help in protecting your enamel, removing stains, and preventing gum decay.


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