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How to Beat Writer’s Block

Writer’s block is a personal pet peeve. It can impede your writing for days, weeks or months. And while it’s tempting to just ignore the problem and hope that it goes away, writer’s block is one of those pests that requires active extermination. Here are some tips on how to get rid of this pesky problem!

What Actually Causes Writer’s Block?

Writer’s block can be caused by a variety of things. The most common causes include repression, an inability to write compelling text, depression, self-doubt and lack of motivation. It can also be caused by self-criticism or inactivity when taking action with your work (such as procrastination).

How to Stop Writer’s Block

What actually causes writer’s block can differ from case to case. And there are different ways of treating each type. For example, if you’re suffering from depression and writer’s block, it might be a good idea to seek professional help so that you can get back on the right track. However, if your problem is lack of motivation or action, you will need to take some sort of action yourself before you can truly get rid of your block.

If your problem is rooted in feelings of self-criticism or procrastination, then it might be a good idea to take a few steps back. Start by writing down your goals. Make sure that they are clear and measurable. Make sure that you’re working towards them actively (i.e., not just putting off writing to the last minute). Also, make sure you’re at least taking a few steps daily towards meeting these goals.

Another excellent tip is to make certain that you have a supportive community. A support group can help tremendously with your situation if you have writer’s block or if you’ve simply hit a wall with your work.

How to Beat Writer’s Block Once It’s Already Formed

Once you’ve determined that your problem is rooted in writer’s block, you’ll need to take some sort of action or else your problem may continue indefinitely. If it’s just a simple case of writer’s block, then the best thing you can do is get some inspiration. Perhaps reading something that inspires you will help. Or going on a walk (or even going for a swim) might help in getting ideas flowing again.

If you’re suffering from depression or self-doubt, then try writing for a few minutes while feeling happy and positive about yourself. Then take some time to write about your negative feelings. This might help you to get those bad thoughts out of your head and open you up to positive ideas again. Or maybe try writing in a journal or spending some time with someone who can provide emotional support (such as a friend or counselor).

Also, if you have an overabundance of material that you don’t know what to do with, then try using some of it in your current work. You never know when a bit of your old work might fit perfectly into something that you’re working on now. However, keep in mind that this is just an idea and there’s nothing wrong with discarding the new text if it doesn’t fit into your current project.