the data link layer utilizes what name for its protocol data unit (pdu)?

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The data link layer utilizes what name for its protocol data unit (pdu)? This is a question that may seem basic, but it is, in fact, the most important question to ask when trying to analyze the data link layer. By answering this question we can define and consolidate many key characteristics of the data link protocol. The first part of our answer will be defining what exactly a pdu is and some other attributes related to it such as MAC address length. The second part of our answer will be describing some specific attributes or functionalities that can help us identify protocols on the Data Link Layer such as Error Checking Protocols and Flow Control Methods. After these definitions, we will describe some of the more common errors that may be found in data link protocols and some of the ways to mitigate these errors. Lastly, we will give a short conclusion and discussion on some characteristics to look for when trying to analyze protocols on the data link layer.

The first part of our answer will be defining what exactly a pdu is and some other attributes related to it such as MAC address length. The second part of our answer will be describing some specific attributes or functionalities that can help us identify protocols on the Data Link Layer such as Error Checking Protocols and Flow Control Methods. After these definitions, we will describe some of the more common errors that may be found in data link protocols and some of the ways to mitigate these errors. Lastly, we will give a short conclusion and discussion on some characteristics to look for when trying to analyze protocols on the data link layer.

Packet :– Data Unit – It is generally used to describe a set of data sent from one point to another. The packet may hold information such as IP addresses, UDP ports, and even Source Route Marks (SRM) . Also each packet has an associated destination address and source address.

Protocol :– A protocol is defined as being a set of rules or procedures followed by all those that use it. This definition is most often used when referring to Data Link Layer Protocols.

Protocol Data Unit (Pdu) :– This is a protocol specific unit of data between the upper layers of the OSI Model.

For a packet to be transmitted across the network and received by its intended destination it must travel across each layer in the OSI model. When a packet moves from one level to another it must undergo certain modifications before being passed onto the next level. These modifications are controlled by protocols or rules created by each layer specifically for packets going in and out of that layer. For the data link layer to communicate information between network nodes (both hosts and routers) it must utilize packet formats. The packet formats are specific to the data link protocol. In some cases, multiple protocols may have files that interact with each other but still operate independently in their own data link layer protocol.

Packet Format :– A format for transmission of a packet across the network or any sequence of bytes.