5 Ways to Keep Cool in the Summer

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Summer is approaching, and with the sunlight and beach vibes comes the blistering heat of the summer sun. Our climate is changing, and summers are getting warmer and warmer each year. Depending on where you live, the weather can become so hot that people are at risk of getting a heat stroke when we don’t cool down enough. 

Keep yourself cool during the summer with these 5 ways to ensure you keep your body temperature at a tolerable level. Remember to always wear sunscreen when heading outdoors, even for a short period of time, and to hydrate by drinking plenty of fresh, clean water! Beat the summer heat with these 5 ways:

1. Air Conditioning the Room to Keep Cool

The air conditioner is a modern marvel that keeps us cool regardless of the temperature outside. AC units work by cooling down warm air, and dispersing the now-cooled air into the room to lower the room temperature. The warm air is then expelled through the outdoor vents, leading to a much cooler room despite the blazing heat.

However, air conditioners can have a number of problems and issues depending on the brand, model, and frequency of maintenance. You need to have your air conditioning unit professionally cleaned and serviced at least once every six months to keep the unit in good working condition.

Beat the heat this summer, and schedule your bi-annual maintenance checkup with Luce Aircon servicing before summer approaches. This ensures your air conditioner will function properly throughout the summer, and you’ll beat the long lines of people looking to have their air conditioners repaired in the middle of summer as AC units can break down in the heat. 

2. Hydrating with Infused Water

When it’s too hot out, we sweat. Excessive heat causes excessive sweating, and to keep our bodies hydrated throughout the day, we need to keep drinking plenty of water. However, there are times it may seem difficult to finish off those 8 essential glasses of water per day. Add your favorite fruits, herbs, and some honey to your water for an extra kick in refreshment.

If the taste of water is too bland for you, drink fruit and herb infused water instead of sugary sodas and juices. While these sweet drinks are refreshing amidst the summer sun while you’re at the beach or on a picnic, they are unhealthy and can also contribute to heat strokes. Avoid drinking or consuming too much sugar, and go for infused water instead. 

3. Keeping Cool with Aloe Vera Ice Cubes

Got a sunburn? Sunburns often happen when the heat is blazing, and you’re out without any sunscreen. Although, you can also get a sunburn for using a sunblock that is too low for the amount of sun outside. If you can’t avoid getting a sunburn, then aloe vera gel ice cubes will do the trick to cool you down! 

Simply add aloe vera gel to a silicone ice cube tray. We recommend using a silicone tray so you can remove the ice cubes with ease. Let the gel freeze, and take it out when you need it. Glide the aloe vera ice cubes on your skin directly where your sunburn is most prominent, and feel the cooling sensation of the gel repairing your burnt skin. You can do the same with a refreshing concoction of fresh cucumber juice!

4. Raising Air Cooling Plants to Lower Temperatures

Did you know that there are plants that can cool the air in your home? Plants like Peace Lilies, Boston Ferns, and Snake Plants are suitable for indoor gardens, and help cool the air around the room. Keep a number of these plants in your room to cool off, and plants also help purify the air as well! 

5. Staying in the Shade

If you can’t avoid going outdoors, then it is best to stay in the shade. Put up a canopy while you garden, or stay under the shade of a large tree while you relax. Avoid going out when the sun is at its peak, and carry a UV-deflecting umbrella with you as you commute to keep the rays of the sun from damaging your skin. Making these efforts will keep you cool, and prevent sunburns.


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