long john silver is the villain of a novel written by which author?

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Long John Silver is the villain of a novel written by which author? The answer to this question may be tricky, but we will give you a few hints. This author was born in 1839 and died in 1911. His real name was Robert Louis Stevenson, and he wrote many novels including Treasure Island. If you’re still stuck on who Long John Silver is, then maybe it’s time for some more clues!

The answer to this question may be tricky, but we will give you a few hints. This author was born in 1839 and died in 1911. His real name was Robert Louis Stevenson, and he wrote many novels including Treasure Island. If you’re still stuck on who Long John Silver is, then maybe it’s time for some more clues!

Long John Silver is the pirate captain in Treasure Island. He has a pet parrot named Poll, and he was born with one leg shorter than the other so that’s why he walked with a peg-leg. If you’re still not sure who Long John Silver is then this may provide more clues: “So, my hearties!” cried Long John to his crew; “Here we stand on either side of our jolly commander now–drinking each others’ healths as true comrades should.” This quote comes from Treasure Island where it appeared after they rescued Jim Hawkins (the protagonist) from being held hostage by Ben Gunn (a previous antagonist). The author Robert Louis Stevenson wrote about many pirates including Captain Flint in Kidnapped Island, and Captain Kidd in Israel Hands.

Long John Silver is not the protagonist of any book written by Robert Louis Stevenson though he does appear as one of the main antagonists in Treasure Island as well as Kidnappe Island. The only antagonist that appears more often than him is Ben Gunn from Treasure Island who first appeared on page 42 when Jim Hawkins was captured and held hostage for a few days before they rescued him again (spoiler alert). Long John Silver’s character has been portrayed many times; most notably by Jackie Gleason in Disney’s 1967 animated movie with songs like “A Pirate I Was Meant to Be” or Gilbert Gottfried from 1988 live-action movie with songs like “Yo Ho Yo Ho This Life.” He also appears in the musical version of Treasure Island as well.

Long John Silver is a pirate who appears in some novels written by Robert Louis Stevenson like Kidnappe Island or A Pirate I Was Meant to Be. He’s also appeared more prominently on page 42 when his name was mentioned for the first time and Jim Hawkins was captured and held hostage before they rescued him again (spoiler alert).

Novels that he has been portrayed in include Treasure Island, Disney’s 1967 animated movie with songs such as “A Pirate I Was Meant To Be” sung by Jackie Gleason; Gilbert Gottfried from 1988 live-action movie with songs such as “Yo Ho Yo Ho This Life” sung at one point by the pirates; and in a new Disney live-action film coming out soon with songs such as “I am The Master” sung by Anne Hathaway at one point.

Long John Silver is an iconic pirate from novels written by Robert Louis Stevenson that also appears in other adaptations of those books, including Treasure Island: A Musical Adventure on Broadway (2003), Disney’s 1967 animated movie, Gilbert Gottfried 1988 version for kids called Retroactive Man starring Mickey Mouse as Long John Silver ‍(though he has no speaking lines) and most recently the upcoming 2019 Disney live action adaptation where they used two actors to portray him – Hugh Jackman who plays Captain Hook while Johnny Depp portrays his nemesis Long John Silver. He was played by a different actor in the Muppets Treasure Island.

Some of his lines from Robert Louis Stevenson’s novel include: “I see you know a gentleman when you see him.” and “It was me that found this treasure, by looking out sharp for it (though as like enough nobody will believe what I say). It was me that had the luck on my side, not them at Port Royal.” ‍His most famous line is also one which he does not speak; asking somebody if they prefer being called ‘Captain’ instead of just plain old Mister- or Missus-, to which Silver replies with an emphatic ‘Mister’. As well as these quotes Long John Silver has been quoted saying things such as “‘No,’ said Silver, ‘I would not have taken it from him if he had been dying.'”

“It was me that found this treasure”. “Old Pew passed away at last.” are also some of Long John Silver’s quotes.

In the novel Robinson Crusoe, by Daniel Defoe, there is a character named Friday who becomes an ally to Robinson Crusoe and teaches him how to survive on his own island when he first arrives. He does not pose much conflict for the protagonist in comparison with other characters like Slavery or Cannibalism. However in Treasure Island, by Robert Louis Stevenson; one of its main antagonists is Long John Silver.

Article Tags: long john silver quote – robinson crusoemike tyson-long john.

Conclusion paragraph:

The answer to the question is Long John Silver from Treasure Island by Robert Louis Stevenson. This character was a pirate that helped teach Jim Hawkins about being brave, and this novel has been made into many movies including Disney’s animated film Treasure Planet. If you’re looking for more literary characters who are villains then check out Hannibal Lecter in Thomas Harris’ novels or Jame Gumb (a.k.a Buffalo Bill) in Truman Capote’s In Cold Blood!