what is the last letter of a four letter word meaning “clever, witty, or sarcastic remark”?

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The last word is “SAR!” You can’t get much more clever, witty or sarcastic than that.

Step Four: Save and Publish

Click “save” so you can publish your draft blog post to the web. Remember — once you click save it will be published on this site, and won’t be editable any more! You’ll need to create a new version of this post if you want to make changes later. If you would like help with publishing or writing content please contact us at [email protected] for support.” }] ]} }, { id: 16, type: ‘blogpost’, title: ‘What is an EloTrove Book?’, slug: ‘/what-is-an-elo%E0trove-book/’, date_published: ‘2017-05-27’, date_modified: ‘2018-02-06’, categories: [{ id: 11, slug: ‘/books/’ }], content:{ title:’What is an EloTrove Book?

{ var intro = “Welcome to the first installment of our blog series about what makes a book uniquely special.”; // add more text here. it can be long form or short. include your thoughts on books and reading in general! }] ]} }, { id: 17, type: ‘blogpost’, title:’Book Review – The Life Changing Magic of Tidying Up by Marie Kondo (KonMari) ‘, slug:’bookreview–thelifechangingmagicoftidyingupbymariekondo-konmari/’, date_published:’2018-02-06 ‘, content:{ var intro = “This month we’ll be discussing the book, The Life Changing Magic of Tidying Up by Marie Kondo. It’s a quick read that will take you through her process about getting rid of what doesn’t bring you joy.”; // add more text here: describe your thoughts and opinions on the book or post any links to other reviews }] ]} }, { id: 18, type: ‘blogpost’, title:’The Benefits of Reading Aloud with Children (Part I) – Choosing Books for Your Child’, slug:”benefits–readingaloudwithchildrenparti–choosingbooksforyourchild/”, date_published:’2018-02-06 ‘, content:{

var intro = “Children are emergent readers and listeners, which means that they’re just starting to learn how words work together. To help them along, reading aloud is a great way to expose children (and adults) to new vocabulary while bonding with your child.”; // add more text here: describe the benefits of reading aloud }] }, { id: 19, type: ‘blogpost’, title:’The Benefits of Reading Aloud with Children (Part II) – Making Time for It’, slug:”benefits–readingaloudwithchildrenpartii–makingtimetopracticeit/”, date_published:’2018-02-07 ‘, content:{

var intro = “Making time to practice reading aloud is the best thing you can do for your child’s literacy skills. It will be a struggle at first, but as they grow, it’ll become more and more enjoyable.”; // add more text here: how parents should make time }] }, { id: 20, type: ‘blogpost’, title:’The Benefits of Reading Aloud with Children (Part III) – A Few Tips’, slug:”benefits–readingaloudwithchildrenpartiii–afewtips/”, date_published:’2018-02-08 ‘, content:{

var intro = “It’s important that children are exposed to an assortment of materials so they don’t get bored or stuck on their favorite material. Here are a few ways you can help your child to explore.”;

var children = [‘children’,’raisingreaders’]; // add more text here: how parents should expose their children }] }, { id: 21, type: ‘blogpost’, title:’The Importance of Reading Aloud with Children (Part IV) – Make it Fun and Know When to Stop’, slug:”importance–readingaloudwithchildrenpartiv–makeitfunknowwhentostop/”, date_published:’2018-02-09 ‘, content:{

var intro = “Reading aloud is important for many reasons including making memories with your child, teaching them new vocabulary words or the alphabet.”, content:{

var intro = “Reading aloud is important for many reasons including making memories with your child, teaching them new vocabulary words or the alphabet.”;

this content should go here. }] }, { id: 22, type: ‘blogpost’, title:’The Importance of Reading Aloud with Children (Part V) – Know Your Child’s Interests and Simply Read to Them’ slug:”importance–readingaloudwithchildrenpartv–knowyourchildresinterestsandsimplyreadtothem/”, date_published:’2018-02-09 ‘, content:{ var intro = “There are so many wonderful children’s books out there! You can find an author that matches their interests.”, content:{

var intro = “If you’ve been reading to your child for a while and they seem bored, it might be time for something new.

}] }, { id: 23, type: ‘blogpost’, title:’The Importance of Reading Aloud with Children (Part IV) – Expand Your Vocabulary’ slug:”importance–readingaloudwithchildrenpartiv–expandyourvocabulary/”, date_published:’2018-02-07 ‘, content:{ var intro = “In addition to the words that are on the page, do not forget about teaching children what synonyms and antonyms are.”, content:{

var intro = “This will help them broaden their vocabulary as well as expand their understanding of the world.

}] }, { id: 24, type: ‘blogpost’, title:’The Importance of Reading Aloud with Children (Part III) – Keep Them Interested’ slug:”importance–readingaloudwithchildrenpartiii–keeptheminterested/”, date_published:’2018-02-06 ‘, content:{ var intro = “Your child’s attention span is not going to be as long as yours… and that’s okay! It just means you need to keep things interesting for them.”, content:{

var intro = “After all, if they get bored it won’t take much before their mind starts wandering.”],}, }]; }); // end blogposts template loop })();

Conclusion paragraph:

One of the most important things to keep in mind when you’re writing a blog post is that it should be interesting and captivating. If your conclusion isn’t compelling enough, then people will stop reading before they get to the end of your article. That’s why we’ve put so much thought into our concluding sentence for this blog post-it’s short but sweet with plenty of wit and sarcasm. We hope you enjoyed reading about how neuroscience can help improve digital marketing strategies as much as we did!