to determine the roi of your social media activities, which hootsuite product would you use?

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In this blog post, we will explore how to determine the ROI of your social media activities by using Hootsuite to measure your return on investment. We will provide you with four ways to use Hootsuite to measure your ROI from various areas and show you how to set up a campaign to track your ROI.

Estimating Your Return on Investment for Social Media Campaigns

Measuring Your Return on Investment in Paid Advertising Campaigns

Analyze the Success of Your Blog Posts

Calculate the Effectiveness of Your Promotional Activities

In this section, we will discuss the four ways to use Hootsuite to measure your ROI from various areas. We recommend that you set up a campaign to track your return on investment by using:

Campaign Reporting

to see how well each of your campaigns are doing in terms of reach and engagement over time


to view stats about when people click or tap links posted on social media pages within their browser window (this is only available with a free account)

Social Analytics Dashboard Report

to monitor performance across demographics and compare data against goals in different categories like impressions, clicks, retweets etc.

Community Overview Analytics

to measure how well your campaigns are doing in terms of reach and engagement over time.

As a final note, please remember that you can track ROI with any Hootsuite product not just these four!

To read the full article: How to Determine the ROI of Your Social Media Activities with Hootsuite » Blogs at HubSpot

How to Determine the ROI of Your Social Media Activities with Hootsuite In this section, we will discuss the four ways to use Hootsuite to measure your Return on Investment by using: Campaign Reporting – to see how well each of your campaigns are doing in terms of reach and engagement over time •Hootlet – to view stats for any URL •Community Overview Analytics – to measure how well your campaigns are doing in terms of reach and engagement over time.

As a final note, please remember that you can track ROI with any Hootsuite product not just these four! Read the full article to learn more » Blogs at

How to Determine the ROI of Your Social Media Activities with Hootsuite In this section, we will discuss the four ways to use hootsuite to measure your return on investment by using: campaign reporting; to see how well each of your campaigns is doing in terms of reach and engagement over time ->hootlet; viewing stats for any url->community overview analytics; measurement as to how well your campaigns are doing in terms of reach and engagement over time-> to measure how well your campaigns are doing in terms of reach and engagement over time.

As a final note, please remember that you can track ROI with any Hootsuite product not just these four! Read the full article to learn more » Blogs at

hustler to determine the roi of your social media activities, which hootsuite product would you use? blog post description: to determine the roi of your social media activities ->let – to view stats for any url community overview analytics – to see how well each campaign is performing in regards to engaging potential customers ->to measure how well each campaign is performing in regards to engaging potential customers

blog post content:

to determine the roi of your social media activities ->let – to view stats for any url community overview analytics-> to see how well each campaign is performing in regards to engaging potential customers ->to measure how well each campaign is performing in regards to engaging potential customers

as a final note, please remember that you can track ROI with any hootsuite product not just these four! read the whole article to learn more » blogs at hustler

please refer back to this blog post if you have questions. thank you for reading and we hope it helped!


Hootsuite is a social media management tool that has helped us to measure the ROI of our activities by providing four different ways to track and analyze your return on investment. We hope you have found this information helpful as well, so we would like for you to share it with other people in need of help measuring their ROI. Remember, when using Hootsuite or any program or app to measure your ROI, make sure that you set up campaigns ahead of time so you can accurately track how much money was spent on what area. Good luck!