which of these statements are both true and support the endosymbiosis theory?

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The endosymbiosis theory is the idea that once bacteria were established in a cell, they became permanent residents and eventually evolved into mitochondria. This type of symbiotic relationship between two organisms is known as mutualism.

The endosymbiosis theory suggests that this type of relationship took place when an early eukaryotic cell engulfed a bacterium to form what was called the “host.” There are many statements about this topic, but only one statement can be true while also supporting the endosymbiosis theory. Which statement do you think it?

1) Mitochondria contain their own DNA separate from the host

2) An early eukaryotic cell engulfed a bacterium to form what was called the “host”

The endosymbiosis theory is the idea that once bacteria were established in a cell, they became permanent residents and eventually evolved into mitochondria. This type of symbiotic relationship between two organisms is known as mutualism. The endosymbiosis theory suggests that this type of relationship took place when an early eukaryotic cell engulfed a bacterium and the two cells formed what is now called the “host.” Mitochondria contain their own DNA separate from that of the host.

It is important to note that, while endosymbiosis has been observed in other organisms such as algae or foraminifera (single-celled protozoa), it also remains controversial because it hasn’t been seen directly; however, there are many hypotheses about how this type of relationship could have taken place with these types of organisms. One example is when an alga became symbiotic with a cyanobacteria by engulfing them to protect them from being destroyed by UV radiation. Another hypothesis involves a single-celled organism known as a foraminifera.

Here are two statements that support the endosymbiosis theory:

-Mitochondria contain their own DNA separate from that of the host.

It is important to note that, while endosymbiosis has been observed in other organisms such as algae or foraminifera (single-celled protozoa), it also remains controversial because it hasn’t been seen directly; however, there are many hypotheses about how this type of relationship could have taken place with these types of organisms. One example is when an alga became symbiotic with a cyanobacteria by engulfing them to protect them from being destroyed by UV radiation. Another hypothesis involves a single-celled organism known as a foraminifera.

-Mitochondria contain their own DNA separate from that of the host.

It is important to note that, while endosymbiosis has been observed in other organisms such as algae or foraminifera (single-celled protozoa), it also remains controversial because it hasn’t been seen directly; however, there are many hypotheses about how this type of relationship could have taken place with these types of organisms. One example is when an alga became symbiotic with a cyanobacteria by engulfing them to protect them from being destroyed by UV radiation. Another hypothesis involves a single-celled organism known as a foraminifera.”

The following statements are both true and support the endosymbiosis theory:

-Mitochondria contain their own DNA separate from that of the host.

-While there are many hypotheses about how this type of relationship could have taken place with these types of organisms, it remains controversial because it hasn’t been seen directly; however, one example is when an alga became symbiotic with a cyanobacteria by engulfing them to protect them from being destroyed by UV radiation.”

“Another hypothesis involves a single-celled organism known as foraminifera.””The following statements are both true and support the endosymbiosis theory: – Mitochondria contain their own DNA separate from that of the host. – While there are many hypotheses about how this type of relationship could have taken place with these types of organisms, it remains controversial because it hasn’t been seen directly; however, one example is when an alga became symbiotic with a cyanobacteria by engulfing them to protect them from being destroyed by UV radiation.

-Another hypothesis involves a single-celled organism known as foraminifera.”

This statement supports the endosymbiosis theory: “Mitochondria contain their own DNA separate from that of the host.” This statement does not support the endosymbiosis theory: “While there are many hypotheses about how this type of relationship could have taken place with these types of organisms, it remains controversial because it hasn’t been seen directly;” “[i] t is thought that the alga became symbiotic with a cyanobacteria by engulfing them to protect them from being destroyed by UV radiation.”

-Another hypothesis involves a single-celled organism known as foraminifera.

This statement supports the endosymbiosis theory: “Mitochondria contain their own DNA separate from that of the host,” “[i]t is thought that the alga became symbiotic with a cyanobacteria by engulfing them to protect them from being destroyed by UV radiation;” This statement does not support the endosymbiosis theory: “While there are many hypotheses about how this type of relationship could have taken place, it remains controversial because it hasn’t been seen directly”

Conclusion paragraph:

When bacteria and other organisms first came together, it was a precarious relationship. The two living things had to find a way work together in order for the partnership to be beneficial for both of them. It’s possible that this type of symbiotic relationship is what led to mitochondria being established as permanent residents inside our cells long ago. This idea is called endosymbiosis theory, which suggests that one organism (bacteria) became an organelle inside another (the cell). In return, the host cell provided these early microbes with shelter and nutrients–a mutualistic relationship between two species where each has something useful they offer the other! Endosymbiosis theory may have been how mitochondria were created from tiny bacterial ancestors more